Total B Solution
  • Total B Solution

Total B Solution

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Food supplement based on B vitamins. Indicated in periods of strong psycho-physical stress, gives energy and concentration.


CONTENT: 60 tablets of 450 mg

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The use of Total B is recommended in particular:


  • In periods of psycho-physical stress due to overwork, periods of intense study for exams, to improve concentration and memory.
  • In the growth and puberty.
  • Indicated in particular situations of deficiencies from reduced intake for incorrect or forced monotonous diets or for increased needs.
  • In women of childbearing age who may have a greater need for folic acid and to protect a regular pregnancy.
  • During illnesses that require the use of antibiotics.
  • For elderly people with nutritional deficiencies.

CONTENT: 60 tablets of 450 mg

Directions: We recommend the assumption: 1 tablet per day after main meals

Group B Vitamins.
They are a series of precious elements in the functional economy of the organism, participating as cofactors in numerous enzymatic reactions, useful both in the production of energy from macromolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and in biosynthetic processes.
It is important to take all B vitamins, because they function as cofactors in enzymatic reactions only if they are present simultaneously.
Of particular importance is also the antioxidant role of these vitamins, necessary to protect the cell from oxidative insults exerted by reactive oxygen species, thus avoiding damage to cellular structures useful for the survival of entire organs and tissues.
Folic acid and cyanocobalamin are vitamins able to promote the synthesis of nucleotides such as thiamine, involved in the synthesis of DNA, and to detoxify the body from important catabolites such as homocysteine, involved in the first line in the genesis of cardiovascular damage.
B vitamins are all characterized by the inability to accumulate in tissues of various kinds, being excreted, when in excess, through the urine.
For the same reason, therefore, it is unlikely to see in this case syndromes from overdose, but rather deficiency states related to a reduced intake.

Vitamin B deficiency.
Which are the symptoms that warn us about the deficiency of B vitamins? We may experience irritability, fatigue, difficulty in concentrating and memory loss. And again, mood swings, cramps in the lower limbs, lack of appetite, poor bowel function. Particular attention should be paid to nails and hair: if they appear fragile and dehydrated for a long time, we can suspect a deficiency of these vitamins.

Vitamin B1.
Also known as thiamine, it participates in the transformation of carbohydrates (glucose, specifically) into energy, promotes the transmission of muscle impulses, and protects the maintenance of red blood cells, the heart and the nervous system. Also considered "the vitamin of mood and energy", it is very important for the regular growth of children, as it improves muscle tone and has beneficial effects on intellectual and learning abilities and acts positively on emotionality.

Vitamin B2.
Chemically known as riboflavin. The main functions of vitamin B2 are those of favoring the energetic utilization of the macronutrients taken with the alimentation, the preservation of the integrity of the nervous system, of the skin and of the eyes; riboflavin also promotes a regular development and growth, it has an antimalarial effect and it can have a certain effectiveness in some types of infectious diseases, in gastritis and in some pathologic diseases.

Vitamin B3.
Also called PP (prevented pellagra) or niacin, it is necessary for cellular respiration, aids in energy release and the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, good circulation and skin health, nervous system function, and normal bile and stomach fluid secretion. It boosts memory and also appears to be effective in treating anxiety. Niacin is also effective in improving circulation and reducing blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamin B5.
Also referred to as pantothenic acid, it enters into the mechanisms of fat production, corticosteroids and sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone). And it is also necessary for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands and nervous system, as well as for normal growth and development. Vitamin B5 is also essential for the utilization of other vitamins, and it is credited with playing a role in the prevention of depressive states.

Vitamin B6.
Or pyridoxine, enters into numerous enzymatic reactions in the brain, skin and liver. It is essential to synthesize serotonin and norepinephrine (two important neurotransmitters) and enters the process of formation of myelin, the membrane that surrounds and protects nerve fibers. It also performs important functions in the reactions of transamination and desamination, thus intervening in protein metabolism.

Vitamin B9.
Or Folic Acid, is essential for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health. By helping in the production of DNA and RNA, it is especially important during periods of high growth, such as during pregnancy, infancy, and adolescence. Folic acid also works closely with vitamin B12 in the proper formation of red blood cells and iron function.

Vitamin B12.
Or cyanocobalamin, in conjunction with folic acid is very important for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Its deficiency is therefore similar to that of folic acid and, when severe, produces anemia. It is stored in the liver after being absorbed in the ileum thanks to receptors sensitive to a B12 complex formed in the stomach. In the case of pernicious anemia the complex is not formed, the vitamin is not absorbed and the anemic state of the subject is generated. Also particular forms of gastritis can originate the problem. It intervenes in the transport of carbon units and in the conversion of nucleotides into deoxynucleotides. Its deficiencies, often related to deficits in intestinal absorption, in addition to defining an obvious picture of anemia, can determine a neurological deficit associated with the accumulation of toxic catabolites, such as increased cardiovascular risk due to the lack of detoxification of homocysteine.


Ingredients:  Bulking agent: Maltodextrin, Thickening agent: Microcrystalline cellulose, Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide), Vitamin B5 (Calcium pantothenate), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine hydrochloride), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Anti-caking agents: Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid), Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin).


Content of characterizing ingredients:
Average analysis per daily dose (1 tablet).

Vitamin B1 4,2 mg   382%
Vitamin B2 4,8 mg   343%
Vitamin B3 36 mg  225%
Vitamin B5 18 mg 300%
Vitamin B6 6 mg 429%
Vitamin B12.      18 mcg 720%
Folic Acid 0,4 mg 200%

*NVR Nutrient reference values (ref. EU Reg. 1169/2011)


Warnings: Food supplements should not be intended as a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years.


How to store: The expiry date refers to the product in unopened package, stored in a cool, dry place and away from light.

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